Barrie Bed Bug .ca

You have Barrie Bed Bugs exterminator par excellence at your service.

We share your disdain for the intrusion caused by Bed Bugs. We hold deep passion for removing the incursions made by Bed Bugs into the living spaces of our clients.

We take on every case as a challenge, to be solved with least intrusive measures.

Ministry of the Environment, Ontario

With us, you will get the most

economical and effective

Barrie Bed Bugs Extermination service. Our professional and passionate team members use leading Insecticides application to achieve a fast acting and long lasting protection against Bed Bugs. In contrast to heat treatment, the protection lasts several months. Hence, we offer a 7 months warranty.




Without experience and skill, the vital signs may be overlooked. Here, you have factory made holes in an Ikea bunk bed, hosting several bed bugs. Experience tells you to not skip any examination of bed bug preferred features among bed components.




Knowledge of Bed Bug preferences and their instinctual behaviour guides our exterminators to direct their resources to all the preferred features present in any situation. It ensures that Bed Bugs would be eradicated by single visit and treatment.